Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Development of Final Ideas

The two main themes that I decided I would like to create an animation around are Time and Family, as these are wht interest me most. My first idea was based around the topic of a make-your-own family as I thought that I could take this in many different directions and prodice a solid idea. I liked the idea of the time theme aswell as I thought I could create a really abstract piece. Here, I will display my development of my ideas:

Make-Your-Own Family

I particularly liked the idea of using typical children's drawings as these display their own personal ideas of family.

Notes on MYO Family

-Stop motion
-Perspective- see the child's hands building the jigsaw
-No speech- music
-Wooden puzzles (left hand pic)- odd shape that doesnt fit- mum and dad fit into their places but his haracter doesnt fit in the gap.
-Building blocks/lego house
-Child/someone who doesnt have a family making one.

-Complete puzzle- but one gap and one piece left, but it doesnt fit.
-All peces fit except for him
-Piece missing on each family member
-Puzzle all breaks apart- broken down family
-Happy ending- realises that it's still a happy family
-Puzzle family could come to life and welcome him, therefore, he feels wanted and like he fits in.

Final Ideas for Time

Page Notes

-Person in a clock- he makes the clock work- his job- humerous
-people turning the cogs/ people running on them to make them turn.
-metamorphosis/time lapse- fruit rotting
-flower growing then dying.
-when one life ends, another begins
- personify objects- have their own character- audience can relate to the, rather than them just being moving pictures.
-baby -> flower-butterfly for example.

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